Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The week

The week started off pretty strong with St. Patrick's day. Italians don't really do the thing where they get really really drunk at bars and party hard. In fact, most Europeans don't. If there is a place where most people go to get drunk it's a fake Irish pub. These are not real Irish pubs like the kind in Ireland, but rather Amerocan bars that are designed to look like Irish pubs from movies.  These fake pubs obviously celebrate St. Patrick's day with way too much enthusiasm. So it was kind of nice to walk around during the day and see all of the stupid American college kids skipping class to get wasted at a bar before noon. I thought it was funny. The Lion's Fountain got very decked out for the holiday: 
However, after walking through the bar scene, we had a nice little olive oil tasting. We at first learned all about olive oil and what it should be like:
Then we got a ton of tiny cups and literally drank olive oil straight to taste it. If be lying if I said it wasn't that bad. My biggest regret was not bringing any water:
Todd, the wine and olive oil expert explained what we should taste in each olive oil and explained what made each olive oil good:
All that I really concentrated on was how disgusting it was and of course the beautiful painting on the ceiling: 
We got out, I did some homework and then we were off to Maria, Gina and Darcy's apartment for some dinner. John-Paul was there and he decided to act like a dinosaur during dinner:
We went back to my apartment, had some beers and then 15 of us went off to Red Garter to party it up a little bit. I got a green beer. It wasn't bad:
There was green everywhere and people were all dancing and it was so much fun! :
The next day, we had class which was pretty interesting as we talked about the Italian mafia in Naples known as the Camorrah. Then we took a field trip to examine church spaces and how they affect us socially. These were the arches in the Duomo:
Then we were off to Red Garter for Taco Tuesday! Tacos were only 2€ each and you got 5 for the price of 4. I are way too many tacos. They were so good though:
Afterwards we told the manager that we would be back to watch the big game. The Mount had made the NCAA tournament for the first time since 2008. Red Garter promised to play all the games in the NCAA tournament so the guy made sure the game would be playing for us. When we came back we had our own reserved tables and the manager said he remembered the last time the Mount was in because he said amount students had come to watch the game there as well against North Carolina:
They had the game on every screen in the bar it was pretty cool:
We were excited to be there:
The game started off rough for the Mount but they came back to snatch the lead:
We got wings and beer to go with the game:
When the Mount cheerleaders came on TV people got pumped, especially me. I might've yelled there's my girlfriend in the middle of the bar and got some stars for it:
The Mount ended up losing but it was still fun and very cool to see our friends on TV, even in Italy. 
The next day was the Saint day if San Guisseppe. To celebrate there was a bunch of stands in the piazza of Santa Croce selling stuff. It defintely caught me by suprise but it was still pretty cool. One stand sold little candies:
Another had fresh meats and breads and sold sandwiches:
There were some cheap clothes on sale:
It was just a cool little fair thing:
After the fair thingy we went to the Pitti Palace. It was very cool. It was like this giant place the Medicis lived when they were the archdukes of Florence:
These people were way too rich and had literally every piece of artwork you can imagine:
Unfortunately you couldn't take any pictures once inside it else they confiscate your camera. Since my camera is also my phone, I decided not to risk it:
Still a cool place though:
The view of the gardens from the windows of the palace:
Thursday meant it's time to sit back and relax. I got ready for my trip to London:

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