Saturday, March 29, 2014

Roma day 2

We started off the day with some free breakfast at the hotel. From there I went with the rest of the group for our a Roman tour. We first went to the forum:
The forum was the Main Street where everything business wise for the government was centered. It held a lot of important buildings from the past and nowadays is being renovated:
I thought the flowers here were very pretty:
Almost everything here is over 1500 years old! :
A giant theater used by the emperor to address his people:
The arch of Titus:
Another very pretty tree with a map underneath:
The Coliseum in the distance of the Forum:
Matthias holding a purse, he has good taste:
Walking through the coliseum:
After our little coliseum tour, I got some hot chocolate cause it was raining and then we headed to the Spanish Steps: 
Outside of the Parthenon:
After the Parthenon, we went out to an expensive dinner and then retreated home in preparation for meeting the pope tomorrow morning. 

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