Saturday, March 29, 2014

Paris day 1

I booked my trip to Paris all the way back in like October. I was pretty excited for it and I never really was able to find anyone else to go with me. So I did it anyway. Also I was in the food store and I felt a little homesick so I went to the international foods section to find something new. I purchased some chili mix and made it. It wasn't that good:
I then got my first Italian haircut and was off to the train station. At the train station I got a bus to the Pisa Airport. From there a plane to the Paris Orly airport and from there I managed to navigate the train system and I correctly got off at the right stop luckily. I also know almost 0 French words. When I finally got to my train station I saw this poster for a movie that a friend of mine had seen:
I stopped in my hostel and then I decided to walk down to the river and maybe see the Eiffel Tower at night. I passed by this little and not popular church on the way and I snapped a picture of it. I still don't know what it's called but I still thinks it's pretty:
This giant structure was actually the thing that allowed me to know which one to get on to go home:
A very cool pillar that I saw by the river:
One of the bridges:
I believe this was the Louvre:
The Eiffel Tower with the sunset. I feel like a professional photographer:
The National Assembly building:
The Eiffel Tower all lit up:
It's actually really big:
And it has a spotlight which I think is pretty cool:
Loved it there:
Then the light show happened for 5 minutes and that was amazing:
I just thought this was a cool obelisk:
A very cool building that I still don't know what it is:
I walked all the way back to my hostel and all the walking I did that day made it about 9.5 miles. I was happy with it though and I did get to see a ton.

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