Monday, March 17, 2014

Barcelona part 2

After paying in advance for the Modernisma tour and the tapas tour we went on the Modernisma tour. It had to do with really recent architects. Some of the buildings were really pretty and some were really, really odd:
This was a theater and concert hall. It was very beautiful and the three heads on the second balcony include three famous composer that influenced the music of Barcelona:
This is perhaps the most ugly building in all of Barcelona and that is how our tour guide introduced it. It has just got a ton of little balls sticking out of that look like video cameras:
They're even on the back of the building:
I saw this statue in the main plaza as we walked by and I thought it was pretty enough for me to grab a quick picture of it:
The main plaza:
Walking down the street that Gaudi himself designed we saw this beautiful building:
It was some if the Modernisma and one if the first places that we got to see that was created on this block of amazing homes:
The second home we looked at was seen as an insult to the first because it was built right next to it and because of the materials it used. The first house had used fake marble in all of it's pillars. The second home used real marble in only one of its pillars that wasn't structurally needed just to show that the pillars of the other home were fake marble. The one real marble pillar is actually inside the window:
This home was made for a chocolate maker who also had a fetish for photographing people nude. The architect learned of this and subtlety showed it with the monkeys shown over the windows acting it out: 
This was the craziest house built by Gaudi and no one really knows why it was created like this because Gaudi was just a crazy dude. And all of the houses were right next to each other:
Gaudi also built this giant apartment building that I personally feel is really really ugly. He actually built one of the pillars out to far and the city fined him. He refused to pay it and the city cracked because he was so respected, gave him a pardon on the fine. This was the pillar:
Then Gaudi designed this: The Segrada Famiglia:
He started the construction almost a 100 years ago and it's still not done. Gaudi died and his plans were eventually lost, so they are just kind of constructing it blindly. The Church is supposed to have the tallest tower of any spiritual building in the world when done. Gaudi guessed that it would take exactly 900 years to complete the Church.It's scheduled to be finished in 2026, the 100th anniversary of Gaudi's death:
I feel like the church is a little ugly:
I thought this guy looked really cool:
The fountains in the main plaza were so big and beautiful:
After the first tour we went back and got ready for the tapas tour. Tapas for those that don't know are like little Spanish dishes and some can be really really good. Others... Not so much. 
We went to three different tapas restaraunts and then finished up at a cocktail bar. We then bar hopped around downtown Barcelona. We met the nicest couple from Germany where both of them had studied abroad in America. Also we were hanging out with two Londoners that were very cool. The best of the night was probably this device I am drinking beer out of in the picture. It was like a genie lamp and you just tilted the beer until it fell into your mouth. It was really cool:

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