Monday, March 17, 2014

A Monday

Monday started off with a small lecture on improper verbs and how to use them. After the lecture on Monday Darcy and I decided to go to the Boboli gardens and do a little sight seeing. On the way there we saw a small group of people on the ponte vecchio dressed in traditional Imdiam garb and playing Indian music: 
The gardens are huge and located behind the Pitti Palace. They were created because when the Medici were dukes of this city they built the Pitti Palace to be their huge home and their gardens were the own giant private backyard. They were very cool. Darcy decided to climb a tree and I'm pretty sure we weren't allowed to do that but peer pressure got to me and I climbed the tree as well:
The gardens were very nice and of they didn't have signs all around, I probably would've gotten lost:
The day might not have been really sunny and warm, but it was warm enough and Darcy and I had a pretty good time:
The Pitti Palace and Neptune's Palace just behind me along with most of Florence:
The gardens already had flowers that were blooming and they were very pretty:
I got a picture of me in front of all of Florence:
Then a picture of me doing the Captain Morgan stance in front of all of Florence: 
One of the museums located in the gardens that revolves around the Medici family. There was a beautiful fountain below.
The Pitti Palace is a just big, like really big:
After our little adventure in the Pitti Palace I went home to make myself a little dinner. I finally made myself a white pasta dish. I got 4-cheese sauce from the grocery store and had a 4-cheese and chicken pasta dish. I made a little too much but I thought it was good:
Afterwards, I went over to a friends to study for a midterm the next morning. The studying went really well and I was able to be back in my apartment by midnight.

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