Monday, March 17, 2014

Barcelona part 3

After the tapas crawl we slept in the next morning and when we got up we decided to explore. I had heard about a mountain that has a castle on it that over looks the entire city, so we decided to head there. The city itself is so beautiful:
The David pose in the grand plaza:
This was a giant arena in the grand plaza but I have no idea who or what plays/ goes on in there:
More of the grand plaza:
This looked like a giant palace so we decided to walk towards it on our way to the mountain:
It had some really nice fountains:
The view of the grand plaza:
The view if the thing that I still thought was a palace:
A picture of me in front of the four pillars:
Doing a secret agent stance:
Me with Maria and Vicky in front of the pillars:
I later found out that this was a modern art museum and not a palace:
The view from the top of the fountain:
All of us Barcelona travelers:
The view from right in front of the museum:
After some wandering, a long walk and a little bit of arguing we finally were able to find our way to the castle. We decided to walk around which is about a mile walk in perimeter:
Although the views of the water were really good:
Plus we took a slightly different way down and we got to see more fountains which I discovered during this trip all the girls love fountains:
This did have a really good view of the city:
Afterwards we were tired and hungry so we dropped off some stuff at the hostel and then got some Subway before heading to the beach to relax. It was like 75-80 degrees all day and sunny, so it was really nice sitting on the beach. Maria and I even went down to try out the water:
It was really really really cold. Maria didn't seem to mind it but I felt like it froze my feet although I pretended like it was comfortable:
I decided to purchase a small tapestry/bed sheet/ blanket. The girls thought it was a dumb investment and laughed at me when I showed them it had multiple functions:
It was also an awesome cape/ scarf:
They didn't complain when they were all sitting on ot although Darcy said that we were all like sardines:
After that we went to a restaurant suggested to use by our tour guide where they served traditional food of Barcelona. We got some tapas and paella. I got a mixed paella that had seafood and chicken in it and I split it with Vicky:
The Shrimp had shells, claws and eyes still. The mussels I ate right out of the shell for the first time. It was an experience and a positive one at that:
After that went to a bar at the dicks and then walked to a nightclub on the beach. And we danced. And had a really really really good time.
After that I woke up and Vicky and I flew home to Florence with a layover in Paris. The layover was an hour and 25 minutes. Our plane took off 15 minutes late, we had to switch terminals, we went to the wrong terminal, had to go through security again, my bag got randomly checked. But we made the flight:
Barcelona was so great. It could be my favorite city in all of Europe. I can't wait to go back. 

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