Thursday, March 27, 2014


London is a place I studied last spring so I don't want to say I know everything there is to know about London, but I know everything there is to know about London. Also my friends Sunshine (Greg) and Jenny Shopper (Leah) who studied last Spring in London with me were going  to be visiting there from Colorado. I also loved London so I jumped at the opportunity to head back. I took a shuttle to Pisa and flew from there to London Gatwick:
From there I took the Gatwick express into London and from there got a tube pass for the day: 
I was at Victoria station but I hopped on the Victoria line for one stop and soon I was at Pimlico station. It felt so good to be back in London and on the Tube again. It felt like I had come home. A ton of memories washed over me:
Greg and Leah picked me up at the station and I headed back with them to their apartment they had rented for the week. It was really, really small. Like so small. But we had a good enough time. We started off by going to Chipotle so I could finally get some Mexican food again. There they told me everything they had done in London so far, what they had done this whole year, we hatched out a plan for the night and for the rest of the weekend. Then we left headed into a bookstore, then went over to AIFS to see some old friends. It was closed. So we went to the Student Union for drinks like we had done last year because it's so cheap. Once there we saw a lot of the old bartenders that had worked there last year and they still remembered us which was awesome and suprised me because I had always thought I wasn't that crazy there. Eventually one of the bosses that didn't like Greg recognized him from last year and we got kicked out. Then we went out to Soho for the night: 
Greg and Leah had been friends with a lot of gay guys last spring and therefore went to Soho a lot last year. I had gone twice. They were really familiar with it so that's where we went. It was pretty nice, but they were all gay bars and after a while as it got later, it started to get a little uncomfortable. We eventually got kicked out of the last club because Greg and Leah got in an argument about a reserved table. So we went home. The next morning we woke up and went to the Victoria and Albert Museum and that was awesome:
After the V&A, we went to Harrod's which is a giant store in London that is really expensive but sells essentially everything. It had a number of watches that were all over ten thousand pounds:
Some bottles of whiskey all over 5,000£:
A 75,000 £ iPod case made of crystals:
They had this giant you kingdom filled with the coolest toys. Then they had a group of guys in their 20s there known as "Toy Demonstrators" and they just stood and played with the toys all day. It looked like the perfect job:
The toys there were so cool! I was so jealous of everyone that could afford them:
We picked up some food at the grocery store sand I made some pasta for Greg and Leah. We put sausage in it and it was really good:
That night we talked for a little bit and went to bed at around 11 pm. Because I had to wake up at 4:45 to go of the airport and catch my flight home. It was a really good trip and I thoroughly enjoyed going to my old home in London. I can't wait to go back!

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