Monday, March 17, 2014

A Wednesday and a Thursday and a Friday

Wednesday started out with me going on a quick jog. Then I got some breakfast and made it to Italian with time to spare. I got some good news when I discovered that I had gotten a 100 out of 100 on my Italian midterm:
After Italian I made some lunch for Darcy and myself. Then we headed back to school to take a quick tour of a restaurant. The restaraunt was right by our school and was called Franscesco Vini. It means Francesco's wines. It's been a family owned business since the 70s and it is built into what used to be the old Romam arena. This guy Fabbio shown below, now runs it and he loves his restaurant. He was definitely passionate about it:
It actually looked really good, because there were over 200 wines anyway could choose from in the restaurant and Fabbio explained the Italian restaurant business:
Then we went down to the cellar where we were able to see the Foundations of the old arena which now hold up Fransesco Vini. The cellar is also a perfect place to store the wine because it stays so temperate year round:
After the restaurant I made some dinner and then headed over to study for the next midterm which was on sociology of the senses in Italy. We got some good preparation done and I was in bed before 11.
The next morning I woke up, got a chance to run, went to class and took the midterm. I think I did alright but it was only 3 questions and we had to write 6 pages minimum. We also only had 1 hour and 15 minutes. It was tough!
Then we had a lecture on the Gomorrah which is the mob that runs things in Naples. As it turns out only Sicily has the mafia. Each mob has it's own name but the mafia in Sicily just happens to be the most famous. Then we all got lunch and headed to the Boboli gardens. I posed by some statues and it was a beautiful, warm, sunny day:
Friday I stayed in Florence and went to the Diner for breakfast which was pretty good. Afterwards, Paul, Gina and I went to the park to play some soccer. I then came back and made some dinner before heading to bed. 

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