Saturday, February 8, 2014

A day in the market and park

I woke up a little late Wednesday but I still managed to make it to Italian on time. For Italian our homework had been to memorize twenty food words. As we got to class we had a quick lesson and then we were off to the market. Our teacher, Linda, gave us a sheet to fill in the names of foods that we saw at the market: 
We went and it was a pretty good time. People looked at us like we were crazy as we walked around with notebooks in our hands. I bought some carnival cookies, which were really good: 
They were delicious. Afterwards we went to the Bus2Alps office and I booked trips for Salzburg,Vienna and Croatia. Then some friends and I went on a nice 2 hour walk to and around the park. With of course great views on the way there: 
Also the park was beautiful: 
The craziest part was as we wandering around the park we came across a chariot race. Seriously. Guys in chariots led by horses were racing each other around a track. It was a little crazy but I could handle. I took some pictures in case people don't believe me: 
It was honestly just a really pretty day and I loved it: 
I look forward to going back to the park soon. Just another great day in Florence. 

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