Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Day 5 Germany

The fifth day was tough. I had stayed out until close to 1 AM the night before and I was tired but I woke up at 6 AM and went on a nice little jog, then I showered, and then we turned in our keys and we were off for the train station. We had some trouble getting to the train station because it turns out the trams in Dresden are a little more difficult then what we immediately believed. We were quite confused and essentially decided to just walk to the station. It wasn't that bad of a walk, except it was kind of hot so we did sweat a good amount. Then when we arrived we got some food and some drinks and just hung out waiting for our train to arrive. It took its sweet time and was actually a little late but we made it to Munich after a grueling 6 hour train ride that included one transfer that I didn't think we were going to make. The train was fine, actually it was the nicest one we had been on yet. We got some food from the restaurant car and we had a good old time. Paige pretty much read and slept the whole time and I talked to Kevin and slept the whole time. I also kind of wrote this blog. Bavaria is a pretty cool place to ride through although I didn't take many pictures because a lot of them didn't turn out so well. It was hard because the light reflecting off the windows always left marks on the pictures. But it was nice to see. Soon we were in Munich. The first thing we did was check in to our hostel which was really nice and then Paige and I got some Burger King which was even nicer. Then we headed to the grocery store to pick up some waters and then we were off to the Beer Challenge. I know what you guys are thinking: what is the Beer Challenge? Well my friends it is simply a pub crawl where we got 2 free beers and one shot of Jaegermeister. Except we didn't crawl from Pub to Pub. We crawled from Beer Hall to Beer Hall. We first talked about beer and how it was so important to the people of Munich and how to toast and everything. We also got a beer to walk with on the way to the beer hall, because it's legal to drink beer in public in Germany. That was really nice. The first beer we went to was the Pauliner, there I got a nice half-liter of their best liquid gold. I drank it down and then we were off to the Haufbrauhaus (the largest and most famous beer hall in the world). There none of us got a drink because it was so crowded we couldn't get a seat. Then we went to the next place which was actually a beer garden or Biergarten. It is the largest Biergarten in the world, known as Augustiner-Keller. It was huge and awesome. I made some new friends, got a liter of their finest beer, got a huge pretzel and went to town. It was good, like really good. After wards we headed to a hostel bar, which actually sounds weird but we got some Jaegermeister, and a few beers to end the night. All in all it was a pretty good night. 

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