Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Day 4 Germany

The fourth day I woke up and went on a nice run early in the morning. Then I took a shower and we walked to a cafe for some breakfast. It was interesting. Afterwards we walked to large opera house and took in the view for a little bit. Then we walked right next door to the Zwinger Palace. It was a huge beautiful palace that we enjoyed walking around. Now it 3 different museums all in one. We paid for a combined ticket and got to see all three. We first saw the porcelain museum which was filled with thousands of priceless pieces of porcelain, all hand done and bought by the various Kings of Saxony. This was Paige's favorite, then we saw the museum of physical and mathematical instruments, which was mainly clocks, globes and other odd devices. This was Kevin's favorite. Lastly we went to the last museum, the Old Master's picture gallery. This was my favorite and there were tons of beautiful paintings. Whether they were landscapes, portraits or biblical paintings, they were all great looking. I really enjoyed it. 
After the Zwinger, we went to lunch at a nice Italian restaurant. The waiter only spoke German and Italian, so I got to break out my Italian. It felt really good because I feel like Americans get looked down on for not knowing any other languages. Since I know little German, it's nice to break out the Italian every once in a while. I got spaghetti carbonara, paige got a salad with mushrooms and Kevin got the gnocchi. Everyone liked their food. Afterwards we went to a gelateria and got some gelato which everyone liked. We finished out gelato and headed to Dresden Castle. Once there our combined ticket let us get into every exhibit except one. Some of them were really weird but by far the best one was the exhibit on Medieval weaponry of Dresden. It was awesome but they didn't really let us take any pictures! It was terrible! Cool that I got to see it, not cool that I didn't get to take pictures. After the weapons exhibit we went to see the New Green Vault which was like an exhibit on a bunch of treasures in Dresden. It was pretty cool. I liked it. We saw the Dresden diamond which was like 41 carats. It was cool. Afterwards we got some beer, and walked the terrace and then watched the river. It was really pretty. Then we went to a beer hall for dinner and I got a bratwurst that was really good. Then we headed to a different beer garden for more beer and it was really good. We had like 2 liters there and I loved it. Afterwards we chilled at a cafe until it got late and then we called it a night. 

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