Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Day 1 Germany

So the first plane ride was pretty uneventful. We hit a lot of turbulence and I managed to watch 3.5 movies before the end of the flight. The first movie I watched was Kingsman, which was pretty good. The second movie on the Kevin Selby watch list was Night at the Museum 3. It was pretty funny and kind of sad but I thought it was a great little movie. Then I watched the first hour of Horrible Bosses 2 before we were cut off and I really have no idea why they cut us off from the movies like a half hour before we land and it kind of drives me crazy. The food wasn't that bad but it definitely wasn't great:
I went to the bathroom on the flight like 3 times but other than that it was a pretty uneventful flight. One of the coolest things about this flight is that they put a camera underneath of the plane and when we were taking off or landing all of our monitors went to that camera so we were all able to see the plane take off and land just like if we were the pilot. It was a little crazy and a little scary, but I really enjoyed it:
Then we landed in Moscow. At first I was a little scared to go through Moscow but it was actually a pretty sick airport. It had at least two TGIFridays and it had a lot of cool stuff. It was just really small. So we went through the airport and found our gate. Paige was excited:
then we decided to hit one of those TGIFridays. The menu was a little difficult to understand but we all got what we wanted:
We were just happy to be there:
I got a big beer and it was pretty good. I also got a type of chicken sandwich and that was pretty good:
We all actually got beers:
I got another beer because we were just sitting there having a good time and I was really really tired: 
So I got an espresso shot. That might not have been a great idea because I couldn't get any sleep after we finished eating:
After we sat in the airport for a little bit we learned that our gate had changed so we went to our new gate and instantly got in line. Paige decided to get some shut-eye while we were waiting. Just you know, sleeping on the floor:
We boarded the plane with no problem and I sat next to Paige. It was only a 3 hour flight but it felt a lot longer. I slept a good amount but every single time the flight attendants would walk by, they world bump into me. So it made it hard to fall asleep. Plus, there was a crying baby on board. So I got a little sleep but not much. Paige got plenty:
I don't think Kevin slept at all:
I was expecting it would take about 2 hours to get through customs and get our stuff but it really only took 25 minutes:
I also expected it would take us close to two hours to get to our hostel and find it. Instead, it took us like 40 minutes. We had plenty of time and we got to our hostel with no problem. We went out to a small German restaurant where we got some beers:
and we tried Curry Wurst. Curry Wurst is really not that great, it actually seemed like it was a hot dog smothered in like a thick ketchup with a little bit of curry sprinkled over top. It really wasn't that amazing. Then we went back to the hostel. The hostel had these huge rabbits and it was kind of cool:
We had a few drinks and met some friends:
Then I finally went to sleep 
at 1 AM which was crazy. 

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