Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Day 3 Germany

The third day was a little crazy. I woke up a little hungover, and decided to get McDonald's for breakfast to make myself feel better. I got the McDonald's at the train station as we waited for our train which was going to Dresden. The train did not work out the way we needed it to. We got on the right train although we did not get reservations and pretty much all of the compartments were reserved. So we kind of either stood or sat in the hallway until we found a compartment that was only half full and we sat down in it. We stayed there until the end of the train ride. We talked to these two Australians about our journey and everything we had seen. They told us where they had been and where they were going. We reached Dresden and then switched trains and got to Newtown Dresden. Dresden is set up so that the Old town is on one side of the river where all of the historical sights and the New town is on the other where all of the bars and hostels were. It was a great set up and although we had a little bit of trouble finding our hostel, we learned how to use the tram and we got there. The wifi was super spotty so we didn't really get to do much there. The first thing we did was go to this place called Pfund's Molkerie. It's actually a dairy store that is supposedly the Guinness world record holder for being the most beautiful dairy store. Anyway people come there to do sightseeing and we saw it and we're not that impressed. We spent like 5 minutes in it and Paige didn't even buy any cheese even though she said she really wanted some cheese. She just said it was too expensive. So we kept going. 
The first place we went was to the old town Frauenkirche. The Church of our Lady. We walked through the church was pretty and it was pretty much Brand new. It was removed in the Second World War and was completely destroyed. The pile of rubble was used as a peace memorial. After East Germany fell, the people of Dresden wanted their church back, so from all private donations, they rebuilt the church. It was finished in like 2007. It looked good and Paige and I got to take an elevator to the top of the dome and look out over the city of Dresden. After the tower we went down to a Beer Garden and for ourselves a few beers. Then we left and walked to a cafe in the new town. While in the new town, Kev ordered a milkshake which was so weird. It was like milk, and whip cream and milk was like sweetened and it was all room temperature. It was weird. I got another beer and Paige got wine. Then we went to this weird burger restaurant where they messed up my order but the burger was pretty good. After that we went up and went to bed. 

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