Monday, April 7, 2014

The week and Prato

The first day that I got back from Paris I had a quick Italian lesson and then I was off to Prato with my classmates to meet the author of a textbook we are reading in class called "Story of my People" by Eduardo  Nesi. Nesi was the CEO of a textile factory in Prato that had been in his family for generations. Due to an influx of Chinese immigrants that work and live in terrible conditions in textile companies, a lot of companies had been run out if business and forced to sell. Nesi write about this and what a shock it was.  He surprisingly did not blame the Chinese, but rather the Italian politicians. It was actually very sad. Although Prato was a very beautiful place:
We took a tour of the textile museum and  we essentially saw the history of textiles and Prato's huge part in it throughout Europe:
That night we headed out to the Lion's Fountain and I had to help carry a girl home, while avoiding vomit so it was kind if exciting and Lauren and I got secret bakery afterwards and she got Nutella on her nose and didn't know so she walked around with it:
The next day we had a white wine tasting with our good friend Todd. It was very different but I did learn a lot:
Then we went to Taco Tuesday at Red Garter and these kids had the longest hug in the world:
The next day I bought an apron at a stand and decided to break it out while cleaning:
That night we also had a little poetry get together a and this was my view of the beautiful Ponte Vecchio on my way there: 
At the poetry reading I did not recite anything but instead I simply listened and it was kind of fun:
At the end of the night I made myself some pasta for dinner and enjoyed that:
Thursday was essentially preparation for my Bus2Alps trip.

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