Sunday, April 13, 2014

The last week

The last week started with Darcy. Like a lot of time with Darcy. We wanted to hit all of the places we had yet to have gone to. We started by going to the San Lorenzo chapel. It was beautiful although it was truly unneeded for all that stuff for just a few people. Next we went to the San Lorenzo market. There was so much food! It was crazy:
Next Darcy and I headed to the cloister of San Marco. It was very peaceful and so pretty:
This clouster is well known for its amazing frescos (unfortunately they don't like it when people snap a picture of them):
All that I could say was "wow":
The most famous fresco in the clouster. It depicts Mary being visited by the angel who told her that she was to give birth to baby Jesus:
Afterwards, we went to the ox and rubbed his snout. If you rub his snout then you will come back to Florence:
This was the showing of justice that Florence tries to follow:
This is the great church known as Santa Trinidad. I didn't go in because it was closed but it was so nice:
Of course I had to pack and one of the wheels had already come off of my luggage so that was kind of depressing and would be terrible when I go to leave:
I don't remember where this was but I know this was gnocchi with bacon. I also know that this was the night that Kathleen's parents came out and bought us all the wine we could handle. We were all talking a little slower at the end of the night and laughing a little harder with a fave that was a little redder:
Those were just the beginning because afterwards we just sat around the table and talked. It was so much fun:
Then we went out for the night because I think it was twice Tuesday. We had a great time:
After our finals we went to grab some food from the Golden View. I got the vegetable risotto. Amazing:
Then of course my French chicken came out and was amazingly scrumptious. Again I ate with Kathleen's parents and I also got a chance to eat with the Hagens family:
I took another trip up to Fiesole, this time with just Jon-Paul. We went to park and walked all the way up it for an amazing view of Tuscany:
We saw the rock memorial:
After my Italian final I got a picture with my favorite Italian teacher of all time, Linda. She was great:
Then we went out for a huge feast at Il Teatro, my favorite restaurant. It was so great. Paul's family joined us, for a really good time:
The family picture:
A creepy alley on the second to last day:
One last picture in front of Santo Spirito:
Darcy and I went through to the last spots before my parents came. It was so sad but I did get to see a lot of things. Perhaps something I loved so much, The Bardini Gardens:
The view from the gardens:

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