Monday, April 7, 2014

Croatia part 2

So the day after the pub crawl was like a half recovery day. Most of the people that came on the trip went to Penn State and that all came together. Most of them came on the trip simply to drink and party. While I signed up for a boat trip to go island hopping, they signed up for a boat trip they took as a booze cruise. We apparently didn't get the memo so we didn't bring any champagne or liquor with us like every else did so we weren't exactly fitting in. Still even though these drunk kids were pretty annoying, we still had a great time:
I thought Liz looked like a movie star in this picture:
The views were amazing:
I snapped a selfie with Vicky in the background taking a selfie:
The views were amazing. Croatia could be perhaps the most beautiful place:
The water was so blue, it was crazy:
The whole country kind of looked like something out of a movie:
This is the view of the first island as we started to come in:
Lauren thought these were lemons but in case you couldn't tell they are not lemons, they are part of a Bouy:
The view of the first island coming in:
Finally off the boat, and it was beautiful:
I decided to do a quick Captain Morgan pose. 
The water was so clear, it was gorgeous. This was the first rock beach. It was awesome: 
Luckily I brought my beautiful tapestry to lay on which was so awesome even though Darcy didn't like it:
I can't say it enough, the water was so clear:
We did a little bit of rock skipping and I got to show off my wonderful rock skipping ability:
Is there any place more beautiful than Croatia:
They had a few options for lunch which was included in the boat trip. The options  were chicken, fish or beef. I asked the girl that organized the trip, which dish I should get and she responded with the fish. I knew I was taking a risk but you know what you're only in Croatia once, so I thought the fish was the way to go. I had no idea what was going to happen but I was just praying it would be tasty. This is what it came out as:  
And yes. I did eat it. 
Pretty much the whole thing:
What can I say? I was hungry. It was pretty good. There was wine with it and it was so bad. The girls could not muster it so I drank theirs. Cause it was free wine. 
The second island was gorgeous! At the beginning it looked kind of crappy and there were definitely some bad parts. But the water and the beach were great:
I definitely jumped in and did a little bit of swimming with Vicky. The water was really cold but we got through it after we were in the water for a little bit. Lee laid out for a little bit and it was a nice rock beach and the rocks were smaller and much smoother here:
Some of the crazy kids with us were just way too drunk for this. One of the kids just collapsed behind us. I think they got him on the boat, but it was a little crazy. One girl got so drunk she threw up everywhere in the boat. So that was exciting: 
It was a beautiful boat ride back and I had a great time on it. Definitely worth the 50 euros:
The night was finished up with us just laying on the beach in my tapestry and having a little bit of Bacardi. 

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