Monday, April 7, 2014

Croatia part 1

Thursday night was kind of rough because it started off at 9 pm with an a almost 12 hour bus ride to the Croatian city of Split. I'm not going to lie, it was tough and I did not get much sleep. But when Friday finally hit, it was time to move. Towards the end of the bus ride I was really enjoying the Croatian countryside:
I went to Croatia with only 5 girls (besides the other 70 people on the Bus2Alps trip) and most of them were going on the river rafting tour. It was 51 euros and I decided I wasn't going to do it. I felt like I could go river rafting in the US at any time but this would probably be my only time in Split, Croatia.  Also I didn't want my friend Darcy to have to stay by herself because she defintely wasn't paying the money to go rafting. So we walked around the city. The city itself is based around a giant old palace that used to be for a Roman emperor that was retiring. It looks like it would've been a sweet retirement home. When the empire fell, the town took over the palace and it became part of the town. Now there are tons of shops and stuff built into the old palace. It's pretty cool:
They put all these squares into the palace:
It's been remodeled a few times, but this used to be for one guy: 
I thought this was a pretty cool statue:
The whole palace was walked but this was one of the gates to get into the palace:
These were some really old stones outside of the cathedral:
It cost a few euros to get into the cathedral, but we saw a bunch if other cool things there as well. This crucifix I thought was really pretty and it was right outside of the cathedral:
These were inside of the cathedral and even though they said no photos inside, I like to live on the wild side and take some photos anyway:
Next our ticket also allowed us to get into the treasury as well, so we got to see a lot of the city's jewels on display:
These were apparently the bones of a saint although there was no label of which saint:
I thought this was a really cool crucifix as well because the material it was made from looked so pretty. It was all black and gold:
So much gold:
Next Darcy and I walked up to the top of the bell tower. It was really small and right just like all medieval European bell towers are. I personally was kind of scared in the bell tower just because it really didn't feel right. Although Dracy loved it:
I kind of liked parts of it:
Like the view was amazing:
The city was so beautiful it was amazing:
Then we went down to the crypts but we didn't see any dead bodies and it was actually really boring after the bell tower. It felt like a waste of money and time:
Lastly we finished our tour with a look at the baptistery. Some parts of it were so nice even though we had seen some better ones:
Lastly we went down to the basement of of the palace which had little stands and was really really cool:
Next Darcy and I decided to walk to a beach on the other side of a mountain. It didn't work out too well because the Mountain was really far away and the beach was not close. But we had some great views and it was worth it:
Eventually we went to a small beach that was a sand beach and by then it was really cold, windy and not sunny. The beach was kind of nasty and looked like it had a few dead bodies near it:
Darcy convinced me to get in and the water was pretty cold: 
But I got in all the way and went under:
It was pretty cold and then I ran right out:
After I got back to the hostel, I showered and then I got some dinner. I got the Chuck Norris burger, which tasted weird but it was good:
The view from our hostel (you can see the bell tower):
The beer I had with dinner:
Then we decided to go on the pub crawl. It was such good fun:
Liz loved it:
It was pretty fun and it was all you can drink for a little over an hour:
I wore my signature t-shirt for the event:
We even played a little beer pong.
It was kind of awesome:
Not everyone in our group enjoyed it as much as I did, but hey I guess I'm just easy to please:

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