Thursday, April 3, 2014

Paris day 3

So my last day in Paris, I woke up
pretty late due to my roommates in my hostel being really loud and the crazy time jump (Europe does the whole hour time difference thing, 3 weeks late). I still stayed for the hostel breakfast and then went to Notre Dame Cathedrale. I got there at like 11:20, then I realized there was a line to get in, so I finally got into the Church at 11:28 and once in there I realized mass started at 11:30 and if you said you were going to mass you could skip the line. I was just excited that I could get to celebrate mass here so I tried to get into the mass area and at first the security said no, but when I told them I was going to pray they let me in. It was a mass that went a little late but it was pretty cool anyway:
The view of the cathedral inside the mass area:
The chapels on the side:
The beautiful rose window:
More chapels:
Cardinal's tomb:
Another chapel:
The gothic vaulted arches that are so famous about this church:
The rose window from the outside as well as the flying buttresses on the outside:
The square behind the cathedral:
The back of the cathedral held up by the flying buttresses:
Another love lock bridge. All of those are locks:
The view of the church from the side:
Some sea food on display outside of a restaurant in the Latin Quarter:
The Latin Quarter:
A Shakespeare book shop in Paris? That's crazy because I could've sworn the French hated the English and all the traditional English stuff:
A beautiful garden on the South left bank:
Of course I go to Subway in every country I go to and France is no different. I got chicken tikka and this is the only place outside of London where I've had a chicken tikka sub. It was so good! :
The river is so beautiful:
One of the many huge train stations in Paris:
After sight-seeing quite a bit, I was forced to head out to the airport where I got a little lost but managed to find my way. It was definitely a very fun trip but I should've made it longer and I really can't wait to go back. I'm so happy I made friends at the hostel that I could hang out with and I can't wait to go back. I'm actually very impressed with myself for being on my own in a country where I know maybe 20 words of the language and no grammar yet I was still able to survive. Not just survive but thrive. I managed to have an amazing time and develop a love for the city while staying on a budget.  I now have much more confidence in myself and my traveling abilities. 

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