Sunday, January 26, 2014


So it's definitely been a long time since my last blog post, but now the time has come. I am in Dulles Airport preparing to fly out to Frankfurt, Germany. The flight will be around 8 hours and they will be 6 hours ahead of United States Eastern time. So that's a big difference. My flight supposedly takes off at 5:50, so I'll be boarding pretty soon. I've booked one trip for London on the weekend before I'm headed to Paris and it was about 115 Euros. Actually it has taken me so long to write this blog post, I am now on the plane. I will meet my old roommate from London (Sunshine) and his girlfriend from London (Jenny Shopper), and it's gonna be great. I'm super psyched. Still haven't found anyone to go to Paris with me, but I'm rollin still, and we'll see what happens when I meet these Cali kids. I will definitely miss all my friends at the Mount and I hope they have a great semester. 
I have found a whole bunch of deals on line and matched up my calendar for these trips with Bus2Alps. I'm hoping they all work out because if they do then I will be headed to Croatia, Budapest, Barcelona, and the French Riveria; in addition to the trips I'm already taking to Paris, and London. I also have the mandatory trips to Venice and Rome. Lastly my family is coming to visit for Easter and the weekend after Easter so I will see them then. Packing was pretty difficult because I run everyday so I had to pack running shoes and enough athletic clothing, while also packing formal clothing cause I like to look stylish. I packed all my socks and extra stuff in my shoes, so I had more room. The bags were really heavy. Well off I go, bye kids! Arrivederci America!

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