Monday, January 27, 2014


So I know I'm posting a lot in my blog in a short amount of time but there is a lot to say in this small amount of time. I decided to walk around Florence for a little bit after I settled in my apartment. I searched for a grocery store although I was only able to find a mini mart that sold a ton of wine. I just got the cheap kind and it was 10 Euros for 4 bottles of wine (I was hyped). So that was pretty good and then I stopped at the Bus 2 Alps office which I didn't know existed and planned out my Budapest and Barcelona trip, I just have to pay for them, so I feel like that's pretty exciting. Now I'm back in the apartment drinking this really cheap Italian wine (it tastes just like Church wine) think in about what I will do for the rest of the night.  My roommate Paul, went to mass at Santa Croce, with his girlfriend (Gina) who also happens to be in our program. I will be meeting them and others in our program at a restarting tonight for some fine, and traditional Italian food. Luckily I have a meal voucher for this restaurant, so dinner is already paid for tonight. Tomorrow I turn 21, so I'm pretty excited for that, we'll see how it goes. Ciao kids. 
The cheap wine I got early today^

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