Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Background on me

So if you don't know yet, I'm getting ready to study abroad in Florence for Spring 2014. It will be my Senior year, so that means after I'm done in Florence I will be done as an Undergraduate in College, which is a very scary thought, but hey, I'll get through it, after all you just gotta want it. Sometimes, I look back and I just think I should've enjoyed a little bit more of college or I should've worked harder. I kind of could do better in both accounts because I was kind a middle of the road type of student in college. I had a good time and I took some classes really seriously. But hey, I manage to graduate in 3 years with a major in History and a minor in English, while studying abroad twice and being on 4 club sports teams (baseball, basketball, Rugby, and Soccer), being President of one club sports team (basketball), and being on at least 5 other clubs (Mount Republicans,Sports Management Club, History Club, Educators for Justice Society, and Knights of Columbus), and being a Resident Assistant. Also came in with a scholarship, and did 4 marathons in college and a Half - Ironman. All I'm saying is my parents better be proud, and that I got stuff done in those three years. Anyway, the point of this blog is to talk about my experiences leading up to, during, and after my trip to Florence, so the rest of the blog posts should be about the trip. This one was just to show how awesome I am and to give you guys some background on me.

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