Thursday, May 21, 2015

Capri with the family

So my parents picked me up, and we hopped on a train to Rome after they had spent a few days in Florence. It was nice having my parents come. They stayed in Fiesole where they had an amazing view. I was able to take them all around Florence, to my favorite spots. It was very uplifting getting to inform my parents about the different land marks in Florence. I might have tired them out a little bit but I think everyone had a good time. We took the train to Rome which was exciting because my parents were not the best when it came to train travel in Italy. It was a little funny but everything worked and we eventually made it to the airport where our rental car was located. We got the car in Rome and drove down to right around Naples where we rented a small villa. From there we decided to drive into Naples and go on a quick trip to Capri. My mom had always wanted to go to Capri, so she was really excited for the opportunity:
Us on the ferry ride to Capri:
That is capri, from a distance as we head in:
Then Capri really close:
Instead of taking a crowded, cramped bus all the way up the mountain to the top of the island, we got a taxi! It was a convertible and my parents I think really enjoyed it:
After we reached our airbnb on Anacapri, we decided to go out and look at some new things. We went to San Michele's and there was a beautiful painting on the floor discussing the Garden of Eden. We walked completely around it (because we had to stay on the wooden walkways going around it) and took it all in. Only my mom and I went through the church:
The floor was great, but actually the whole church was very nice:
Paintings on every wall:

Then we walked up the tiniest staircase possible to the balcony and looked down at the floor. We were able to see it all:
After the church we got a little gelato because that makes every trip just a little bit better and then we looked for our next adventure while walking around AnaCapri. My mom had done a little research, and figured out a few of the things that we should see while on Capri. One of those things was riding on something that was like a ski lift up the mountain on Capri to the very top for some gorgeous views. Unfortunately, this ski lift was set up for one person at a time. It got really scary. This was my view of the person in front of me: 
A nice little selfie:
We stayed about 15 feet above the ground the whole time. Although there were some points where if I had fallen, I definitely would've died:
Yes, I realize there is a beautiful man, in the foreground, but if you look past that amazing man, in the background you'll see my little brother Jack, taking a picture of the ground below him with his cell phone:
Then he jumps off very swiftly:
My mom getting off with a big smile on her face:
My Dad hopping off:
Of course my grandfather (we call him Teetop, and he's traveled a lot) got through it no problem:
This was the amazing view from the top of the mountain, it was well worth the trip:
Jack and I went to a cliff side and got this nice little snap out there. It was a crazy view:
The views were great and it was so pleasant there. It just had a nice atmosphere:
Jack and I walked to the cliff's edge and it was pretty scary. One slip up and the blog would've finished early:
Jack and I walked down the platform to get a better look:
It was so pretty. Jack and I decided to walk down the path rather than taking the ski lift down. It was pretty and a relaxing walk down. It was a little difficult to find the parents but Jack and I found them. We walked to a villa built into the cliff side but it was closed for the day. We went back to the BnB for a little RnR. We had some wine, some cheese, and some crackers. It was very pleasant. Then we went out to a local place for dinner which was very tasty. I had an allergic reaction to the cat at the BnB so I had to leave dinner early and take some medicine. But afterwards I was able to just sit back and hang out for the rest of the night as the five of us finished the bottle of wine. 
The next morning we got up early and worked everything to be able to get out of Capri. My main goal had been to go to the blue grotto. That's what I was most excited for. We took a small trip out to the blue grotto and had to pay even more money to be taken into it. Although I must say if was pretty cool. 
The blue grotto is located inside of a rock wall and it can only be gotten to when the tide is low enough. Even when it is low enough it's still difficult to get into. The rower of the boat has everyone lay down and then he grabs a chain and pulls the boat with everyone in it, into the grotto. It is a small cave where the reflection of the sun on the water makes the walls blue. The water also appears to be so bright and clear blue, it's amazing:
All the light radiates from the one opening:
The whole grotto is given a bluish hue from the water:
Some of the Italian guys rowing would sing and their songs would vibrate off the walls of the grotto:
The guy took a picture of Jack and I. Cause I was like: I'll probably only be in the Blue Grotto once in my entire life. I might as well enjoy it. It was a little blurry in there:

Then we slowly started to make our way out:

This is what it looks like when we get out of the blue grotto:
We had taken a nice boat ride out to the blue grotto. My parents had stayed on the boat whereas Jack and I went into the grotto. So after the blue grotto we went around the rest of Capri and got to see the beautiful sights all around the island. The island is really gorgeous: